Project Finance
  • Introduction to Project Finance
  • Risk Analysis and Management in Project Finance
  • Financial Evaluation of Project Finance Transactions
  • Arranging Credit Facility in Project Finance Transactions

Legal, technical, market, tax, environmental, model.

  • Credit Risk and Financial Contracts
  • Letter of Intent (LOI)
  • Credit Agreements and Contract of Guarantee
  • Interbank Agreements and Other Contracts
  • Conformity of Financial Contracts and Project Finance Structure, Legal Advisory
  • Arrangement of Financial Contracts, Documentation Essentials
  • Content and Clauses of Financial Contracts
  • Credit Risk in Project Finance
  • Pricing of Credit Risk
  • Project Finance Pricing Items
  • Credit Risk Mitigation Methods
  • Lenders- Financial Institutes and Characteristics
  • Highlights in Project Finance Institutions Selection
  • Loan Products, Financial and Derivative Products, Insurance Integrated into Project Finance Structure
  • Highlights of Construction Risks in Project Finance
  • Construction Risk Management
  • Avoidance of Construction Risks
  • Consultant Processes for Construction Risks
  • Project Finance Perspective from the Field of Civil Engineering
  • Introduction to Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects
  • Risk Sharing and Contracts in PPP Projects
  • Financing Structure of the PPP Projects
  • Financial Modelling in PPP Projects
  • Monitoring of the PPP Projects
  • Case Studies
  • Integration of Islamic Finance Tranches in PPP Projects
  • Highlights in Energy Project Finance (fundamentals, specific structures, risks –price, environmental etc.-, contracts -sales agreements- conventional and renewable energy structures)
  • Highlights in Infrastructure Project Finance (fundamentals, specific structures, risks –legal and operational etc.-, contracts -regulation contracts- bridge, airport, port, commercial real estate structures)
  • Highlights in M&A Project Finance (fundamentals, specific structures, risks, due diligence process)
  • Introduction to Climate Finance
  • Climate Finance Market
  • Climate Finance Products and Area of Usage
  • Management of Climate Finance Transactions
  • Best Practices in Climate Finance
  • Future of the Climate Finance
  • Foundations of Project Finance Financial Modelling
  • From Project Finance Transactions to Financial Model
  • Contents of Financial Model in Project Finance
  • Cash Flows of the Financial Model in Project Finance
  • Financial Analysis in Project Finance Models
  • Case Studies
  • Monitoring of the Financial Model in Project Finance
  • Fundamentals of Islamic Finance
  • Islamic Finance Products (musharakah, mudarabah, murabaha, musawamah, salam, istisna’a, ijarah, sukuk)
  • Islamic Project Finance Techniques
  • Islamic Project Finance vs. Conventional Project Finance
  • Multi-tranche Project Finance Transactions (wakala-ijarah, istisna’a-ijarah tranches)
  • Legal Aspect of Islamic Project Finance
  • Engagement of Islamic Finance Tranches to PPP Projects
  • Integration of Conventional and Islamic Traches
Corporate Finance & Entrepreneurs & Start-up Companies
  • Basic Economic Indicators, General Economic Data and Financial Terms, Interest Rates (Real & Nominal Interest), Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Transactions, Financial Data and Resources the Companies Should Follow.

The example will be processed applied on the current data screen.

  • Definition of Financial Risks & Management Techniques
  • Financial Debt Management, Financial Product Management and Pricing & Valuation Principles (Securities & Commercial Account & Credit & Leasing & Factoring, Derivative Products)
  • Financial Asset & Liability Management and Maturity Management
  • Financial Cash Management and Cash Flow Control
  • Financial Accounting and Tax Management Basics

Sample current financial products and pricing will be transferred.

  • Operation and Arrangement of Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Equity Exchange Table, Cash Flow Statement)
  • Accounting and Registration Principles, Accounting Principles of Cost Records
  • Interpretation of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement
  • Equity Exchange and Cash Flow Statement Interpretation
  • Comparative Financial Statement Analysis (Horizontal Analysis, Vertical Analysis, Trend Analysis)
  • Financial Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements (Liquidity, Leverage, Efficiency, Profitability Ratios)
  • Principles for Sharing Company Financial Statements to Financial Institutions

Sample company is applied with financial statements.

  • Time Value of Capital and Income for Companies
  • Investment & Project Evaluation Principles
  • Net Present Value -Internal Rate of Return, Turnaround Time, Net Return, Sensitivity Analysis, OPEX and CAPEX Concepts, Working Capital Management Strategies
  • EBITDA Calculation in the Scope of Financial Management
  • Funding Company Investments and Projects
  • Portfolio Management of Investments and Budgeting

The Sample is Processed Applied on Company Investments.

  • Definition of M&A and Alternatives
  • M&A Process
  • Participation of M&A Process and Detailed Analysis
  • Negotiation and Legal Process
  • Valuation
  • Transaction Structure and Payment
  • Financing Methods of M&A Deals
  • Introduction
  • Valuation Methods: “Discounted Cash Flow”
  • Valuation Methods: “Multiplier Analysis”
  • Valuation Methods: “Asset-Based Valuation”
  • Comparison of the Methods and Interpretation
Online Training

Why clients choose us

Expertise in Project Finance Execution

We offer our advisory services with an efficient approach combining with our selected experiences.

Professional Stance in Financial Advisory

We are proud to say that we are professional but also an accessible experienced advisory team.

Financing Life Cycle Assistance in Projects

We are ready to help you with your projects throughout all project life cycle, initiation to closure.

Our experts

Our team of professionals include project financiers,
construction managers, business consultants and more.

  • Ozlem Kildir

    Founder & CEO
    Ms. Ozlem Kildir, is a prominent project financier, providing services for corporate & mid-sized companies...
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  • Sinem Sin Okur

    Project and Corporate Finance Director
    Mrs. Sinem Sin Okur graduated from Hacettepe University at 2011. She worked at Vakifbank from 2012 to...
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  • Selin Ipin

    Project and Infrastructure Finance Manager
    Ms. Selin Ipin graduated from Istanbul Technical University – Architecture department. She is also...
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  • Atakan Akarsel

    Finance Expert
    Mr. Atakan Akarsel worked as Junior Engineering Supervisor at Pioneer Consulting Company in İzmir for...
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